Nneoma Ekwegh
3 min readAug 30, 2022

The media is a powerful force in every part of the world, which is why there continues to be concern regarding its management and influence. There are those who seek to control it, using it to promote their agendas and narratives. Then there are those who use the media to speak truth to power on behalf of the sad and oppressed. It is for the latter reason that the media needs to thrive and hopefully will continue to do so.

Media as a Business:

For all that the media does and can do, at the heart of it, it is a business. Media outlets generate revenue in a variety of ways; through the display of adverts, sales, announcements, and the publication of certain news stories. The various channels of income come together to fund another business side of media, the renewal of licenses (and/or its equivalent) so it can operate legally within a country.

The drive of every business is to make a profit; however, this must be managed within ethical lines. The truth must never be sold for a price. In addition, the drive for sales should not be an excuse to engage in unprofessional conduct which will undoubtedly have damaging consequences. A classic example is the now defunct News of the World, once the UK’s biggest Sunday newspaper.

In 2011, News of the World owned by business tycoon Rupert Murdoch was embroiled in a scandal that led to its demise after 168 years in print. The demise of the newspaper began with the quest to uncover news stories that the public would eagerly part with money to read. There was a lot of competition in the market and this resulted in reporters feeling pressured to tell stories that will keep the paper above the rest.

This quest for the number one spot resulted in journalists crossing ethical lines by hacking into the phones and emails of government officials and celebrities.

As expected, the newspaper found its way to the top spot in the UK because people could barely get enough of these scandalous and riveting stories.

However, when the deeds of the newspaper’s staff were uncovered, a series of litigation followed which led to its disgraceful demise.

The downfall of News of the World is a cautionary tale for media establishments everywhere. The drive for profit and popularity are worthy and commendable, however, the ethics of journalism remains the scale on which these goals must be weighed and measured.

Media as the People’s Voice

When I think of the media as the voice of the people, I think of it from the angle of the emergence of the internet.

The internet created easy access to news and information, and it also contributed to the rise in independently owned news outlets. There are numerous websites, blogs, social media platforms, and YouTube channels that have been created solely for the dissemination of news and for analysis. This is positive, as information is not controlled by a few or by the elite; so it is believed to be void of lies and government propaganda.

In recent years, the number of people who turn to these independently owned news outlets for truth and facts has risen, this is due to the perception that this is news generated by the people for the (benefit of the) people.

Having said that though, the evolution of the media in this space has also created the rise in fake news; proving true the saying, “No rose without thorns”. This unfortunate development of fake news means those who consume news are laden with the responsibility of fact-checking the news they receive.


The media industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world today, and I will add it is also the most powerful. With this in mind, those who are privileged to be in this profession should understand they wield a lot of power, and with great power comes great responsibilities.

For journalists and media owners to successfully marry the business and public service sides of the media, they must fully embrace the profession's ethics. It is in this embracing that the perfect balance is achieved.



Nneoma Ekwegh

Writer, Copywriter, Bookworm, Dreamer, Believer, On a journey to a better me & literary domination 😁